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Feb 1, 2019
We were gobsmacked by our hearing aid experiences!
"With our hearing aid fittings, Roger and I were utterly gobsmacked with our immediate positive experiences. We hear clearer now. "

Jan 8, 2019
Ear wax removal
Ear wax removal is a very popular service at our clinics. Brad Hutchinson Hearing offers three methods of ear wax removal - curettage,...

Jan 1, 2019
Teachers need to be able to hear well
My advice to other people who need to hear better is, don’t wait, don’t put it off if you can afford it.
Dec 4, 2018
Chronic cough treatment
Known as Arnold's Cough Reflex, the presence of an irritant in the ear canal can result in chronic coughing. This is not the only cause...

Dec 3, 2018
How hearing aids have helped with my tinnitus and chronic migranes
People who know me also have noticed huge positive improvements in my wellbeing. It has been fantastic to receive this help.
Nov 6, 2018
Extend the life of your hearing aid batteries by 20%
This can be achieved by removing the sticker on your battery 5 minutes before putting it into you rehearing aid. Once the sticker is off,...

Nov 1, 2018
My wife was right!
My first contacts with hearing aid clinics were pretty ordinary. They instilled no confidence in me, and I wasn’t about to risk a big...
Nov 1, 2018
Hearing loss, cognition and memory
Audiologists have noticed for some time that people who are good hearing aid wearers i.e., they wear their aids all day every day, just...
Oct 2, 2018
Five minute battery rule to increase battery life
I also thought you’d be interested in the bit of ‘amateur’ research by a school student in the USA which tells us how to extend the life...

Oct 1, 2018
Why didn't I do this earlier!
I went to see Brad and wasn’t disappointed. I am now wearing a pair of hearing aidsthat mean I’m back confidently joining in conversations.
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